
What you've been reading this year...

As another year draws to a close we're taking a look back at the articles you've been reading in the app. 

Your app is here to help you support each step of your child's developmental journey. When you master skills, you get new activity ideas and articles that will help you support and understand your child's learning. 

As well as articles linked to your child's skills, we regularly share information we know will be useful for everyone. We've looked at the most read content and put it here just incase you missed it - or would like to read it again. 

This year's most popular articles have been our, All in one place articlesso far we've covered:

Potty learning/ Toilet training


Learning to talk

Feeding and nutrition

You've also enjoyed our weekend activity ideas, including:

Creative ideas that aren't art and craft

Our ideas for bank holiday activities

Our ideas for an at home sensory group

Enjoy catching up on last year's articles, and if there is anything you'd like to see more of in the app in 2024 we'd love to hear from you! 

Drop us a message on social media or an email at askusanything@mffy.com