
Autumn play kit

All our activities use things you’re likely to have at home or just outside your front door, and we shared our summer play kit last month which answered the question, “What do you think I have at home?” This month we thought we’d share some suggestions for a play kit that makes the most of the changing season, with our suggestions for an Autumn play kit.  

If you have any suggestions you’d add to the list, let us know on our Facebook community

When you’re playing with objects that aren’t toys always check they’re safe and suitable for your child’s stage of development and supervise their play.  

The first part of our play kit might not be what you expect, but to really experience the change in season you need the right clothes to spend time outside.  

And for babies and young children simply experiencing the outdoors in a new season will give them lots of stimulation, which means you don’t always need other stuff.  

Autumn clothes (think about this for yourself too so you are warm and dry and can enjoy playing together)  

Gloves and warm socks 

When you go out and about, take some extra pairs to replace soggy ones, and avoid cold fingers and toes.  

You could look for waterproof gloves, you can find ones designed for snow that are warm and waterproof.  

Wellington boots or snow boots   

If you use wellington boots, get some long warm socks to keep everyone's feet cosy.  

Waterproof coat and trousers  

An all-in-one rain suit can be great for toddlers, older children might prefer waterproof trousers and a separate jacket or coat.  

The temperature in autumn varies a lot – you could get a warm waterproof snowsuit or opt for a larger size in a waterproof jacket so your child can wear a warm coat underneath on cold days but just a waterproof layer when it's warm and wet.  

Layered clothes 

If you’re outside your child is likely to move about a lot so might get warm so being able to take off a jumper or coat is a great way to help them stay just the right temperature.  

Young children grow quickly – so you might be able to find second-hand waterproofs in perfect condition.  

Once you’ve got the right clothes, what else might you include in your Autumn play kit?



Children love collecting, and Autumn can be a fantastic time to go out for a walk and collect some natural items.  

Think about a container your child can carry easily to use for their collection, you could take 

  • A plastic tub 
  • A children’s bucket 
  • A fabric bag 

If you don’t want a bag full of leaves at home, cut a strip of cardboard from a box and put some double-sided tape on it. When you go for your walk peel the protective paper off the tape, so your child has a sticky surface to put their favourite items on.  

This might not work for toddlers who don’t yet realise that once they stick something on their tape, they can’t peel it off again easily.  

Items that will make a mark

Young children move their arm from their shoulder when they first start to draw, so outside can be the perfect place to give them lots of space to move as they draw.  

Think about some items that could be used for muddy mark-making. 

  • Sticks 
  • Spade (from a summer beach set if they have one)  

You can draw and write in a patch of mud or take a container, a large brush, water and a big sheet of paper to make some muddy paint on the go. 

Older children might like to pause and draw some of the things they see so include:

  • Crayons – red, brown, orange and green 
  • A pad or some scrap paper clipped onto sturdy cardboard.  

Things for exploring the weather 

  • Container or bucket for catching rain 
  • Strips of light fabric or paper to make streamers you can watch move in the wind 

Apps to encourage curiosity 

  • Plant identifier app 
  • Birdsong identifier app 

An Autumn picnic 

Picnics aren’t just for summer, so pack a flask with a warm drink and some snacks – this might help them stay out for a bit longer and be an exciting Autumn treat.

Bringing Autumn home 

As well as spending time outside to experience the changing seasons, you could bring some of your collection home to explore a bit more. Look out for:  

  • Leaves 
  • Conkers 
  • Pebbles 
  • Sticks and twigs 
  • Pinecones