
Summer play kit

We often say our activities use things you have in your kitchen cupboard (or just outside the front door), but we’ve been asked, “What do you actually think is in my kitchen cupboard?” So, we thought it might be useful to make a list of some of the things we try to keep on hand – a bit like the store cupboard essentials you’d have in a recipe book... this is your store cupboard for play this summer.  

If you have anything you’d add to the list, share your ideas in our Facebook community.  

Here are our suggestions – and never put out the recycling without thinking “But can we play with that?” 

Make sure any recycled items are clean and safe for your child to enjoy! 

Egg boxes 

Cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes 

Clean jars and pots, especially ones with lids 

Junk mail with interesting pictures or colours 

Cardboard tubes from kitchen rolls, etcetera 

Used wrapping paper, and cards 

Old notebooks, diaries, and calendars 

Useful items to have – but not always vital!  

Trays or containers with deep sides for water play/messy play and paint – metal or plastic are best as they are strong and can be easily washed! 

Cups and jugs of different sizes 

Cupcake or muffin trays 

Saucepans and sieves 

Lots of utensils – spoons, spatulas, whisk, tongs … 

Masking tapes 

Clothes pegs 

Paint brushes in a variety of sizes, including large ones 

Large bits of fabric – sheets, blankets, scarves 

A shower curtain – this makes a good protective floor surface 

Flour  (we have some play dough recipes here


Food colouring (If you want to avoid using food colouring to colour playdough or water there are lots of natural alternatives. You could experiment with teabags, herbal teas or vegetables, but a simple option is to buy powdered fruit and vegetables from a health food shop.)  

Flower petals – either from bunches of flowers or from around the garden or park. You can use this right away or dry them in a patch of sunshine (in the summer) to use over time. 

Leaves, twigs, sticks and pinecones 

Stones and pebbles 

Check anything in your play kit is safe, avoid small items for younger children or babies and always supervise your children when playing with objects.