
Drawing on the walls is sometimes allowed! Use bathtime to explore mark making

What you need 

  • Bath paints or bath crayons – you can make your own using our recipe 

What to try 

  • Introduce bath crayons or paints to bathtime. You may need to show your toddler how to use them, and be clear about any boundaries you need to set about where they draw. 
  • Invite your toddler to draw on the sides of the bath, or the tiles if you have them.  
  • You could challenge your toddler to... 
  • Draw a line all the way around the bath. 
  • Draw lines starting at the top of the bath and ‘splash’ down the sides into the water. 
  • Draw a circle around the tap or the overflow outlet. If you don’t put water in the bath at first they could try drawing around the plughole, too. 

Good to know 

Drawing somewhere new can be a very exciting thing for your toddler, so they will need lots of time to explore the experience and be creative.  

Perhaps start with one challenge and gradually increase more as their skills develop, or let your toddler draw freely and comment on what they create (instead of suggesting that they draw a particular shape).