Your wellbeing – why 15 minutes of ‘me time’ is key

Being a parent, it can be hard to find the time to still be ‘you’. But it’s so important to set aside a bit of time for yourself during the day (no matter how short) for relaxation. This could be as simple as having 15 minutes’ quiet time to drink a cup of tea while it's still hot!
Finding the balance – a plan could help
To find that balance, some people like to plan out their day. You could make a short list before going to sleep at night with what you feel are the ‘musts’ for the following day.
A simple rule to follow is for every three ‘must-dos’, that you include a fun or relaxing thing just for you too. This could be watching an episode of your favourite TV show, treating yourself to a luxurious hot chocolate with a biscuit on the side or going for a walk.
Wherever possible, forward planning can help. Make lists, get your clothes out for the day ahead before you go to sleep, or schedule a weekly food delivery that takes the stress out of traipsing around the supermarket. Whatever helps you feel your best (or better!).
If you feel you need more support, or things are overwhelming, reach out to others
Let your family or friends know that you need a little time, and brainstorm with them ways you might be able to create that space with their help. They might want to share ways they got the time they needed as new parents, or even have ideas for things to do to make you feel like yourself which you've not thought of.
If you feel that you need more support with how you are feeling, this might be available through professionals who are working with your family. Or you can contact PANDAS who have trained volunteers ready to listen and provide support.
PANDAS exists for all parents (mums and dads) and carers. If you are worried about anyone in that position, you can also contact them. You are NOT alone.
The phone line is open between 11am and 10pm. Please don’t hesitate to call
☎️ 0808 1961 776 ☎️
If you'd prefer, you can also contact them via their text or email service:
To access free and anonymous text support, text the word ‘PANDAS’ to 85258 (this service is run in partnership with @giveusashoutinsta). This will not appear on phone bills and you don’t need to register, download an app or use mobile data.
For their email service, write to: – feel free write all your thoughts and feelings; they will get back to you within 72 hours, often sooner.
Details of their in-person and online support groups are on their website, along with details of all their services: