Your child is remarkable, for more reasons than you might already know!

Can you imagine how hard it is hard to learn about something that sort of doesn’t exist? When you have learnt numbers, colours and time-related words, it is hard to think about a time when you didn’t know them.
Here are some of the things your child has been learning about, without there being any kind of activity or teaching, yet they somehow know and can tell you!
Learning when something is red, and when it is orange. Or that it is reddy-orange.
That the number three can be someone’s age, the total number in a set, a quantity, time-related and so much more!
What “In a minute” really means. We use words and phrases all day long and your child goes along with what is said and understands; they might not know exactly how long a minute is, but they’ve worked out it means quite soon.
When they start using a word, or phrase, in the right context without you having talked to them about it or used it many times before.
It is bamboozling that your child is learning all these concepts with nothing concrete to learn from.
You know your child is incredible, sometimes it's just good to get a reminder of their unsung talents!