Your baby is starting to use tools, but what type?

What do scientists mean when they talk about your baby using a tool? Don't worry, it doesn't involve you letting them loose on your hammers and screwdrivers!
Using an object rather than your body
When scientists talk about tools, they have a wider definition – essentially, it’s using an object rather than just our hands or other parts of our body to achieve a goal.
For you, tools would include things like a hairbrush, toothbrush or spoon, and for your baby tools might include their toys or a stick, as they find ways to use them to solve a problem or reach something, for example.
Tools help your baby to become a better problem solver
Starting to use objects as tools will support your baby to develop their problem-solving skills.
As they gain more experience, they might begin to plan how they will use the object to be more successful in their goal.
McCarty M., Clifton, R. & Collard, R.R. (2001) The beginnings of tool use by infants and toddlers. Infancy 2(2) pp 233-256.