Why does my toddler love to splash?

Many children love water play because it stimulates their senses – especially touch, sight and sound –and it's a brilliant way to experience how their actions change outcomes (cause and effect); all in all, safe water exploration is a fantastic plaything!
Water’s soothing properties
It is also thought that due to its sensory nature, many children find it a soothing, reassuring and relaxing play experience, just like when adults use a warm bath to unwind from a busy day. So, as well as being fun, water play is a great way to help your toddler to self-regulate as they take time to connect and switch off.
It’s great for learning too
Water play can be hugely beneficial to their development as your toddler learns how to move it, change it, and transport it; they’re even learning mathematical and scientific concepts as they play.
Not everyone’s a fan of getting wet
If your toddler doesn't like getting wet, join in with some water play yourself so they can see what fun it can be.
Perhaps find things for your toddler to drop into a basin of water, so they can enjoy the sounds, splashes and ripples without getting wet themselves.
Embrace the freedom of puddle play
If your child enjoys bathtime, then they’ll probably also enjoy a bit of puddle play. It's free and, depending on where you live, probably plentiful too! So, grab a coat and some wellies and jump right in. For a lot of toddlers, there's a great freedom in being told to splash around and not worry about getting wet and muddy.