Why does my child love to read repetitive stories?

Children learn more effectively when they hear the same books read again and over. Hearing the same words again and over helps them comprehend the meaning of the words and to use them in context. The text is familiar, which gives your child the confidence to read on his or her own. The use of repeated words helps your child to directly participate in the reading experience, which boosts their confidence and makes story time more fun. When your child feels at ease with a repeating narrative and can participate, this will help lay the foundation for future literacy skills.
How will this help my child in the future?
Repetitive stories allow your child to learn the structure of a story, beginning, middle and end. This will support them when making up, or writing, a story of their own.
Reading stories that are repetitive helps build a foundation for comprehension. Your child will be so comfortable with the book that they truly understand what is being read. This in turn may support them in pointing to the words, sounding them out and determining their meanings.
The more comfortable your child is with reading helps support them to read with fluency. Fluency allows your child to read with speed, accuracy and expression. When your child is fully understanding what they are reading, they can add expression and intonation appropriately.