Photographic memory! Physical skills can help share ideas and develop memory and language

Now your toddler is developing their physical skills and can notice more detail in photographs and pictures, they will be able to point out the ones that interest them. It's a wonderful time for you and your toddler to look at photographs together!
Looking at pictures of family members is brilliant for brain development.
Toddlers begin by recognising faces, before linking names to people and eventually being able to recall memories based on photos.
Photos are a great starting point in helping your toddler remember their past and, now they can use their finger to point, images become a great way to support their developing memory.
When your toddler points at a photo to share who or what they can see, they are showing you that they can remember. They may point to a particular feature of the photo, such as a person or an item of clothing.
Talking about photos or images with younger children helps their language develop.
Talking about the past with toddlers helps them develop their language skills and remember things in a more detailed way.[1] By talking about images, pictures and photos now, your toddler’s skills in communicating are being given a mighty boost!
How to share photos with your toddler
We don’t make albums like we used to, but you could easily add photos to your scrapbook in the app and share them with your toddler.
Other ideas could be to make a small photo album for your toddler to have among their books, or you could look together at photographs on your phone, computer or tablet.