What is a toddler?

Let's face it, they'll always be your baby – even when they tower over you and have a mortgage! But around this time, your baby will increasingly be referred to as a toddler. We thought we'd look at what makes a toddler a 'toddler'.
Definitions vary, but typically a toddler is a young child who is learning to walk. We quite like this definition taken from the Online Etymology Dictionary:[1]
toddler (n.)
1793, agent noun from toddle. Toddlekins is from 1839.
toddle (v.)
"to run or walk with short, unsteady steps," c. 1600, Scottish and northern British, of uncertain origin, possibly related to totter (1530s); an earlier sense of "to toy, play" is found c. 1500.
But what really is a toddler?
Well, this question has a whole plethora of answers! Let's look at a few quite quickly:
Toddlers are...
- So much fun!
- On a road to self-discovery and this can create some very interesting times for you all
- Active
- Emotional
- Creative
- Constantly talking
- Free spirits
- Curious
- Most likely to put EVERYTHING in their mouths
- Very loving
- Messy
- Explorers
- Problem solvers – sometimes they might be problem causers!
- Learning about toilet training
- Full of energy
- Telling everyone your news
- Possibly having tantrums
- Adventurous
- And did we say... SO MUCH FUN?!
Some days will be much easier, and others may drive you to despair.
Our app will continue to guide you through your toddler years, offering lots more support, guidance and activities. There is much to look forward to.
[1] Definition of Toddler from the Online Etymology Dictionary. Available online at: toddler | Etymology, origin and meaning of toddler by etymonline