We’re motoring... and we’re off! Things to think about when your baby is cruising

The moment has arrived where your eyes have to be everywhere. Your baby is gaining in strength and may now be able to cruise more independently. They might crawl or bottom shuffle to where they want to stand, then push themselves up and cruise along a sofa. Your baby still needs lots more time to practise and develop their early walking skills. They're learning how to shift weight and balance, and will wish to do this independently, so they need all the support they can get.
Things to think about
There may be a few safety checks that you would like to do now that your baby can propel themselves into a standing position and use furniture to move around:
1) Is that piece of furniture going to take their weight?
Your baby will use anything to help them stand up; they have no awareness of what is or isn’t sturdy. Find heavy items of furniture that they can use to support themselves, and create a route of safe objects for children to grip onto, such as a sofa, a hefty chair, a desk, and so on.
2) Will anything fall onto them if they cruise past?
Remove anything that could fall on your child. If your baby grabs an object for support, it may fall on your baby or your baby may topple over.
3) Is the floor area safe?
Try to keep your floor clutter free. We know this is easier said than done, but if there are fewer objects in your baby’s way, they are less likely to trip.
4) Is there anything sharp?
Wherever you can, cover any sharp corners on furniture. Consider relocating cruising props away from room corners and skirting boards, as well as plug sockets.
5) The great escape
You may want to think about keeping internal doors closed when your baby is cruising to help keep them safe. They're learning about their environment, as well as how to cruise, so they will be naturally inquisitive and may take any opportunity to crawl, shuffle and cruise to other rooms.