Welcome to my world

The wider world may be an interest of your child’s now. Your child will now be happy to talk to other children and adults about their ideas and experiences and will enjoy finding out what others have to say.
A sense of belonging to a community is developing as their world is expanding.
Other children are particularly interesting to your child and visiting the park or local groups gives opportunities to see and meet other children, and join in play on the equipment in the park perhaps. When you are with other people, your child will become happier and more confident to talk about what they have been doing recently.
Looking at photographs together of events, people they know and what they have been doing, is a way of keeping people in mind. Maybe someone has been on holiday, perhaps you have been away, or had a lovely day out. If you haven’t seen someone for a while, keeping your child up-to-date helps them to keep people in mind.
At this stage, your child enjoys two-way conversations and sharing interests, they are interested in others and others are interested in them. Being able to talk about what they have been doing and what they are interested in will begin to show your child that people have different experiences and, though lives are different in many respects, there are also similarities.
Opportunities to be with other adults and children, with you there to provide reassurance and confidence, will really give your child a sense of being connected to their wider family and community.