The bountiful things your baby learns with bubbles!

Bubbles are great for many things! As well as being super fun to play with for children across a wide age range, they have many developmental benefits too. From building muscles to providing sensory stimulation, bubbles can offer it all.
Visual skills
You might notice that when you blow bubbles for your baby, they watch them rise and float through the air and follow the bubbles' movements with their gaze. This helps strengthen their eye muscles and helps your baby develop focus.
Being able to follow and focus on objects will support your baby as they get older for play, observation and many other activities.
Reaching and grabbing
Many babies and young children will try and reach out to grab bubbles. This can be great for encouraging them to move into a sitting position when they are lying down.
If your baby is already sitting, they will strengthen their core and back muscles while they watch bubbles float around them. Sitting up is great for building core strength, which will help your baby to stand, walk and carry out other movements.
The motions of stretching, reaching for and grabbing bubbles also support the strength of hand, wrist and shoulder muscles, which will be handy when they start to draw, paint and write.
Sensory stimulation
Playing with bubbles is a fun sensory experience. Many babies love the feeling of bubbles popping on their skin and in their hands.
Language development
Bubble play is also perfect for encouraging your baby to talk with you. They may use body gestures to suggest they would like more bubbles blowing and the sheer excitement they display tells you they are having fun.
So, when you are building a play kit for your baby, bubbles are a fantastic addition. As well as being portable, and low cost to replace or make, they are versatile and can be used with children of many ages.
Bubble bonus
Here’s a quick bubble bonus – bubbles can be home-made with just water and washing up liquid! Save an empty bottle and refill it with your bubble solution.