Ways to support your baby to grab

Your baby’s hand-eye coordination is improving and they are now able to see what they want and direct their hands to it. Their muscles are strengthening and they're starting to coordinate movements in their hands, which enables them to grab and hold onto larger objects.
Here are some ways to further support your baby in strengthening those hand muscles:
Hold toys close to them
By holding a toy close to your baby’s chest, and gaining their attention, you'll naturally encourage them to grab it. Watch their fingers curl around the toy as they delight in holding an object. If the toys have bumps and knobs on them, they're easier for your baby to grasp.
Tug of war
When your baby is becoming more confident in holding items, you can further support their grip by playing a mini version of tug of war. Give your baby time to grab the object, then very gently try to pull the toy away. Your baby should naturally try to resist your gentle pull.
Noisy toys
Wave a noisy toy in front of your baby. Using rattles, crinkly toys or scrunchy paper will excite them and encourage them to grab.
Everyday objects
Use everyday objects that your baby is familiar with. They will more be inclined to grab an object that excites them, and this could be anything. You may find that a plastic beaker or a nappy are visually stimulating for your baby – they will try and grab things that offer interest and visual stimulation.
Easy-grip toys
There are plenty of toys available to buy. It might be an idea to opt for teething toys, as these are easy to grip and will serve a purpose when your baby begins to teethe.