To the rescue – helping your baby move from standing to seated

Your baby is now growing in strength, and may be able to stand using a support for longer, or stand briefly on their own. At this stage, your baby is likely to get themselves into some sticky positions – they have learned how to boost their legs into a standing position, but not necessarily how to get back down again!
What goes up... may need a little help getting down
It's normal for babies to know how to stand up but not how to sit down. If your child becomes stuck, gently assist them to a sitting posture. Picking them up and comforting them may feel natural, but directing them to a seating position helps build neural pathways which will help your baby learn the movements of sitting down. You know your baby so listen, watch and decide when they need help.
What do their 'upright sounds' mean?
When your baby is standing, you may hear more vocalisations and cries from them. Pay attention to these sounds because they could be signals of a happy baby or a frustrated one.