Tips for leaving your baby with someone else

We're not going to pretend that leaving your baby with someone else is easy – whether it's the first time you are trying it or you're getting used to being separated as part of your routine. But these five crucial tips should go some way to making it more bearable and, in time, positive and affirming for both of you.
- Have a goodbye routine. Do the same thing each time you leave your baby so they begin to know what will happen. It might be a kiss and a cuddle, then they wave goodbye with whoever is looking after them.
- Never sneak away. Your baby might seem happy that time, but they might start to worry that you might leave at any time which might make their separation anxiety worse.
- Give them a comfort item. Leave your baby with something that they might find comforting, perhaps some clothing or yours or their favourite toy.
- Keep smiling. Easier said than done, we know. Try to be, or appear to be, happy and confident as you leave so they know that they will be ok: they will be more concerned if you seem anxious or upset. Remember that separation anxiety shows that your baby has a good bond with you, which will support them to form good bonds with the other people who look after them.