Time to look back – think about all the things you and your baby have learnt

The first weeks and months of parenthood can pass by in a fog of sleepless nights and new experiences for you and your baby. You might still be adjusting to parenthood or starting to have some days when you feel like you're getting the hang of it – interspersed with days when you feel you still have everything to learn.
Look back at photos and see how much has changed
This might be a good time to look back at the last days of pregnancy and early days of parenthood. You could look at some of the photos in the scrapbook to remind yourself how much your baby has grown, and maybe how tired you were in those first days.
If you have a moment, you could add some thoughts about your memories of those early days. You might enjoy looking back at these memories in years to come as you think about everything that has changed since.
Share your thoughts with friends and family
You might want to share some of your experiences with family or friends. Many of us experience a mixture of emotions when we become parents and sharing these mixed emotions with those close to you can be reassuring.
Remember how far you've come
When you are looking back at those early days, don’t forget to congratulate yourself on all you have achieved since. When we have a baby, our families and lives change – you might recall the feeling of really not knowing what to do very strongly – despite having read every book you could find during pregnancy! There is something quite different about actually meeting your baby and realising that you are now responsible for that little person.
We're always learning
We all keep learning about parenting, as we do about most aspects of our lives. In the busyness of daily life, we forget to pause and remember, that even when it feels hard, we have come a long way and are doing a great job.
So next time you have a quiet moment, pause and remind yourself how far you've come, and when you have a hard day, remember that hard days are part of life and part of learning.