Tired, busy, stressed? This isn't how parenting has to be

Have you lost the time to do things you enjoy? Do you feel guilty for wanting this time? Remembering who you are aside from being a parent is vital for your wellbeing and for your baby, and we have some ideas for how you can do it.
You might have noticed, your baby is awake more often now. You may find that you are playing with them more and that some aspects of the routine feel a bit more predictable (although all of us have days when we feel our routine seems to flow and others when it can feel trickier!).
As your baby’s needs change, it's important to keep thinking about your needs too. Have you had time to pause this week and think about the things you enjoy? Have you thought about when you have time for you?
You could simply start by thinking about the things that help you feel relaxed and restored; this is different for all of us.
Do you enjoy meeting friends for a chat? Or ringing a friend to catch up on what they have been doing?
Do you enjoy exercise?
Do you relax with a podcast or a favourite programme?
Or is curling up with a book and escaping to another world the perfect way for you to relax?
Many of us find it difficult to find the time for the things we enjoy when our babies are little, and sometimes you might feel guilty for wanting this time. But doing the things that remind you of who you are beyond being a parent is vital for your wellbeing and for your baby.
So, find some time to think about yourself today and make a plan for time for you.