Taking care of you, too. Reach out for support at stressful times

Now your baby is getting older, your experience of being a parent is changing. Not only are you getting to see all the incredible new skills your baby masters, but you’re also having to adjust your routine, expectations and even your home to accommodate them.
Baby-proofing and ensuring you have safe spaces for your more mobile baby is essential. For many parents this comes with an additional layer of worry and a sense of needing to be hyper-aware at all times. This is normal, but if it is taking over your day or feeling unmanageable it’s important to reach out for help.
New developments bring new challenges
Share your worries, concerns and even anger with the people around you. Ask them to come and give a second opinion on a baby-proofed space, or watch your baby while they crawl around to give yourself the confidence everything is safe.
Try to keep reaching out and asking for help when you need it. It's easy for people to feel you are ‘past’ the stage of needing lots of help now your baby is a little older, but they will still want to support you if they know you need it.
If you feel you need to speak to someone you can contact your GP or health visitor, or, for a reassuring chat, contact the parent charity PANDAS.
Support from PANDAS
PANDAS have provided us with some information to share with you.
A reminder that PANDAS are there for you. If you are struggling or finding it hard to cope, please do use their services. That is what they are there for and their wonderful, trained volunteers are waiting to take your call.
PANDAS exists for all parents (mums and dads) and carers. If you are worried about anyone in that position, you can also contact them. You are NOT alone.
The phone line is open between 11am and 10pm. Please don’t hesitate to call.
☎️ 0808 1961 776 ☎️
If you'd prefer, you can contact them via their text or email service.
To access free and anonymous text support, text the word ‘PANDAS’ to 85258 (this service is run in partnership with @giveusashoutinsta). This will not appear on phone bills and you don’t need to register, download an app or use mobile data.
For their email service write to:
info@pandasfoundation.org.uk Feel free write all your thoughts and feelings and they will get back to you within 72 hours, often sooner.
Details of their in-person and online support groups are on their website, along with details of all their services: PANDAS Foundation UK