Toddlers and naps – Lauren from Little Sleep Stars tells us about developing sleep patterns
To nap or not to nap? That is the question. Your toddler might just have dropped their nap, or you might be noticing changes in their sleep patterns. We asked Lauren from Little Sleep Stars to tell us more about how sleep changes during the toddler years, and this is what she shared:
As babies move towards toddlerhood, it is likely that their daytime sleep will decrease in frequency and duration[1], while the overall amount of sleep taken at night increases.[2]
Toddlers and touchscreens – what research tells us
Before your toddler was born did you tell yourself they wouldn't use an iPad until they were at least five – only to realise that a game or scroll through photos can be a sanity-saver when you’re busy? Your toddler using tech might be something you feel judged for – and headlines can be scary – but, what does research show?
The Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development (Babylab) at Birkbeck, University of London is home to the TABLET (Toddler Attentional Behaviours Learning with Touchscreens) project.
So Much by Trish Cooke, a beautiful story about the joy of family
Mum and baby are at home, just looking out of the window. But before long there are lots of visitors!
This is a lovely book that captures the joy of family visitors, including aunties, uncles, cousins and grandmas. Each family member arrives and greets baby with excitement. They also each have their own special way of saying hello, which you find out through the pictures and rhythmic text.
Peep Inside Night-time – a view into the world at night
This beautiful little book tells the story of what happens at night. It’s perfect for young children who love to lift flaps and learn more about the world around them.
The book opens with a night-time image revealing windows into people's houses as they try to fall asleep, while the bakery next door has the lights on and is busily setting up so that it can bake a lot of fresh goods for the morning.
Let’s think about eating... how our muscles help at mealtimes
Mealtimes can be messy events, especially at the moment. For toddlers, learning how to get food into their mouths without a few spills and sticky faces along the way will take time, practice and muscular coordination. So keep the wet cloth handy...
What motor skills are being used when they’re eating?
We're going ballistic! The science behind throwing a ball
Throwing is one of those skills that many people feel they either can or can’t do. It sounds like it should be simple, “Throw the ball,” but the reality is, it's more complex than you might think.
It’s actually very scientific!
Jump, jump, a little higher – what jumping looks like for your toddler
Jumping with both feet in the air takes an enormous amount of confidence. When your toddler first tries to jump, it might look very much like lifting one foot into the air, followed by lifting the other foot when the first one meets the ground again. This is the beginning of jumping, and is cause for celebration!
10 life-long skills your toddler will achieve by learning how to twist their wrists
Being able to turn their wrist while holding an object is a fascinating skill, and one that will eventually enable your toddler to get so many essential tasks done in life. Let's look at what they might use that twist of the wrist for...
1) Opening doors and drawers that have knobs
It’s a wrap, well, an unwrap really – a sneak peek at the skills used when unwrapping
Although your toddler may be too young to really understand the idea of presents, they might have a new-found interest in paper – particularly in unwrapping it! Paper play promotes lots of lovely fine motor movements, as well as a whole host of other skills.
Physical – exercising fine motor muscles
My toddler keeps taking their shoes off – help and hacks are here!
Is this your toddler? Do you find that shoes come off when driving, while walking and as soon as they are put on? Although it may feel frustrating at times, this is one way of your toddler promoting their own learning and encouraging greater independence. We have some tips here for helping all the shoe removing toddlers out there!
Lots of learning is taking place