Supporting your baby explorer to learn about the world

It’s amazing how quickly your baby has developed control of their body. They are constantly exploring their world and their place within it, and they’re making and strengthening connections in their brains every day.
In the very early days, your baby learned to get a hand to their mouth, but now they are holding objects and finding out what they can do with them.
Hey, brain, how does this feel and sound?
Using all their senses, your baby is concentrating hard and absorbing all the messages which are going from their brain to their hands and back again. When your baby holds an object, perhaps tapping and banging it on surfaces, it is giving all kinds of feedback to their developing brain: is it hard or soft, loud or quiet, did I like that sensation or not?
Can I make that happen again?
Repeating experiences leads to more pathways being developed in different parts of the brain, which keeps on developing and growing well into the future. So, give your baby plenty of time to hold, look at and move objects and toys – all this exploration helps them to learn about the world.