Creamy red pepper and tomato sauce

This sauce has only four ingredients and can be used for multiple meals! It’s great for a simple pasta or rice dish and can be made in big batches to be kept in the fridge or even frozen. (See below for freezing instructions!)
Older children may want to help you to slice and chop the vegetables for this sauce, too.
This recipe is for approximately two adult or three child-size portions but can easily be multiplied depending on how much you would like to make.
You could also add different seasonings depending on what you want to use your sauce for. Oregano and basil are great additions when you’re serving it with pasta, or even some smoked paprika to add a little spice.
If you don’t have red pepper to hand, yellow or orange peppers work just as well.
What you need
- 100 grams of cherry tomatoes
- 1 red bell pepper
- 30 grams soft cheese, such as cream cheese or feta
- 5 millilitres of your favourite cooking oil
- Seasonings of your choice (optional)
What to do
- Take the cherry tomatoes off the vine, if they’re on one, and chop them into halves or quarters.
- Cut the red pepper into chunks.
- Place the vegetables on a roasting tray, and drizzle over your cooking oil of choice.
- If you wish to use them, add seasonings such as pepper, paprika or dried herbs.
- Roast the vegetables at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes, giving them a turn midway through.
- Once roasted, add the vegetables to a blender. Let them cool slightly with the blender lid off, before you move to the next step.
- Add the soft cheese and blend until smooth.
- Your sauce will be ready to use right way! Serve however you wish, we love it as a sauce with pasta or rice.
If you want to store it, leave it to cool beforehand then divide into portion sized batches. Place these in a container suitable for where it will be stored – if necessary make sure the container is freezer-safe.
Once frozen, use within 3 months. Ensure you fully defrost the sauce and heat it thoroughly all the way through before serving.