Routine habits – feel empowered to make changes for your wellbeing

Becoming a new parent comes with all kinds of information from a myriad of sources. Advice is everywhere and it can become difficult to remember what you think about your life. But recognising everyday habits and making small, positive changes to these can help to bring back some clarity.
The parent brain fog
Our minds become full of all kinds of information, stresses, worries, plans, and so much more. We can feel like our brains are foggy and that we are overwhelmed.
You might find that you have entered a room and you can’t remember getting there, or you’ve gone upstairs and have no idea why.
Part of the reason these things happen is that we do things out of habit. Habits are usually formed without even thinking about them.[1]
Good and bad habits
They are produced in a three-part process: cause, action and reward. So, when your child falls asleep, you might have the time to make yourself a drink. The cause would be your little one falling asleep, the action is making a drink, the reward could be quenching your thirst or feeling relaxed.
Other habits might not be so enjoyable. You might answer the phone or door when you really don’t want to, or there may be part of your little one’s routine that you don’t feel comfortable with, but you have read on social media that you should be doing.
Changes that make you happy
You may not have really paid attention to how these habits developed and now they have become part of your life routine.
There is no harm in thinking about making a change. Gaining control of your own choices and starting to create new habits could affect your ability to make positive choices.[2] If there is something you would like to change or introduce, think about the cause, action and reward.
[1] S. Weinschenk, B. Wise. (2019) The Science of Habits. Psychology Today. Posted April 19, 2019. Accessed May 26, 2022. Available online at: The Science of Habits | Psychology Today
[2] R. Modgil. (2020) How to immediately change your life for the better. Posted February 4, 2020. Accessed May 26, 2022. Available online at: How to Immediately Change Your Life For The Better — HavingTime