Outdoors is a great place to paint and draw

When you notice the changes in the environment as the seasons progress, encouraging your child to notice the differences and paint and draw out doors will produce really great work based on observations and freedom to use colours and self-expression.
Talk about the trees and flowers you see outside and provide paper (large sheets give lots of scope) and a good selection of colours, perhaps mixed media, paint, crayons or chalk, so your child can make their own artistic choices. It is worth having a box of paints, crayons and paper especially for outdoors that you can pick up and take out with you, without having to sort through the things you have indoors.
If you work alongside and talk to yourself about what you are doing, “I think I’ll paint the blossom pink,” you will be giving ideas without any pressure to do what you are doing. Framing children’s pictures makes them look stunning and preserves them for the future.