Now you see it, now you don’t – your belongings may become toys!

Your toddler has worked incredibly hard to fine-tune their movements, and they'll be fascinated by how many things they can now pick up and move. This is an exciting part of their curiosity journey, so be ready to find items from around your home deposited in some wonderfully creative places!
Play and new achievements
More often than not, your toddler will use their newly developed skills in play. You may notice that they can concentrate for longer when playing; they may even develop new ways of playing that use their newly gained skills.
You might see them putting their skills into action when picking up objects and putting them into containers, shape sorters, or on top of other objects.
These new skills are fascinating for them, and they can achieve things they never have before.
Moving items around the home
If your toddler is more mobile, they might start to be extra curious about the interesting objects and items they find around them. Their curiosity might encourage them to pick something up of yours and then use it to add to their play.
Where did it go?
Toddlers can have a great skill of moving things when you are not looking. This might mean that you spend a few moments searching your home to find out where things are.
If this happens, remember that they are unaware that their actions might cause a bit of panic. They are developing lots of skills and are keen to carry on developing them.
Your toddler has simply found something they find interesting, and they now have the skills to pick it up and move it to where they would like it to go.
Is this your toddler?
“An unsupervised toddler can achieve more in one minute than a person can in a whole day.” Unknown, (but almost certainly a parent!)
You may have seen this quote in some posts on social media? It is absolutely true: your toddler has lots of curiosity about life and their developing skills gives them lots of new possibilities.
These times won’t last forever though. If you can, try and capture some of the wonderful things they do in your scrapbook – they’ll be moments to laugh over and cherish.