More, less, all gone – using mathematical language every day

As soon as your baby was born, they began to develop ideas about numbers, shapes and quantity through their routines and everyday conversations. This understanding of basic mathematics will only multiply as you keep chatting each day.
Maths is everywhere!
We frequently use mathematical language when speaking to our babies, such as offering more food during mealtimes and accepting that when they say no, your baby understands they have had enough.
During daily chats, we naturally discuss things like size, shape, quantity and directions. These are not lost on your little listener.
Making comparisons
Every day, we use comparative language. We frequently say words like “more”, “less” or “full.” These comparative words help to teach your baby about measurements.
More, more, more!
More is one of the first concepts learned in maths. It comes up so many times during your daily routine. You may ask, “Would you like more?” Or say, “Let’s do some more baking today,” or “There are more blocks in the basket,” or “We need more milk.”
Knowing when there’s less
Your baby starts to understand the concept of less or fewer when something is taken away or has finished. For example, they may eat all their breakfast, and say to you, “All gone.”
Deepening understanding
The more mathematical language you use, the more understanding your baby will get of these concepts. Eventually, they will link words with quantities and be able to use these in the right context.