More amazing things you can learn from your toddler

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: toddlers are inspirational. They have an intuitive way of thinking about things and their headspace isn’t as full as yours might be. It doesn’t harm to revisit ways of thinking that may be totally forgotten about.
Be in the moment
Minds can become befuddled thinking of what we should be doing, now, next week, next month. It might feel comforting to try and have a plan in place, making sure everything is thought about.
Yet life usually has its own plan.
Toddlers have a wonderful skill of only thinking about their immediate future. They don’t yet have the ability to think too far ahead, and this can help life feel less overwhelming.
When possible, stay in the now. There will always be things to do – that is one of life’s guarantees.
Be yourself
Life isn't an Insta reel or a competition to keep up with the Jones’.
There is no need to be anyone else other than you. Trying to be like someone else can be exhausting, and let’s face it, it’s not sustainable. Your toddler wouldn’t put on act to please anyone else, so why should you?
Don’t hold grudges, find the love
Your toddler loves you endlessly.
Even when parts of the day may feel a little emotionally challenging, they ultimately need you and when things become manageable again, your toddler will forget the difficulties and once again show you love.
They do not hold grudges, and they do not dwell on the past.
This can be hard to do as an adult, as thoughts have a habit of niggling away. Try to let go of negative thoughts and feelings and swap them for finding the love... they might give you a warmer feeling inside.
Be curious and ask questions
Toddlers wonder all the time. They have so much to learn and are ready and willing to do so.
As we get older, asking questions can sometimes feel quite difficult. It can make us feel vulnerable or afraid of making a fool of ourselves.
However, asking questions demonstrates interest and curiosity, as well as intelligence.
We shouldn't be afraid of not knowing. We should embrace the fact that by asking questions, not only do you come out feeling informed, but the person you asked will also most likely feel that they have helped someone, making them feel good about themselves.
Every day brings more opportunities to learn, for every one of us. Don’t try and hide from your curiosities, instead go out and face them head-on.