Massage in the moment – it doesn’t have to be planned

Baby massage can be a special activity you set up for a few times a week – but it can also be enjoyed by you and your baby in tiny moments throughout the day. Here are some ideas to embrace massage without feeling the pressure to have lots of supplies on hand.
Whether you’ve signed up to all the baby massage classes you could get your hands on, or have been learning about this soothing technique online, massage is a lovely way to build on the connection between you and your baby.
Find a time that works for you
You can use baby massage movements as part of your nappy changing time, to enhance special one-on-one moments with your baby, at bath time and when you’re simply singing or playing.
Make it part of song time
One great way to incorporate this is to move your baby’s legs and bottom as you sing ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ or ‘Wind the Bobbin Up’. Getting those little legs working will be brilliant for your baby’s development and can help with sore tummies or tricky poos as well.
If they're not in the mood, leave it for another day
Remember, the most important thing is to follow your baby’s cues and listen to their needs. If your baby isn’t in the mood for massage, don’t force it. And while setting aside dedicated time for baby massage is great, don’t feel like you have to stick to a strict schedule. You can massage your baby in the moment and just do it when it feels right.
Some safety tips
Be aware of your baby's skin when massaging them – use a gentle touch and, before you start, check that any oils or lotions you are using are safe for your baby’s skin. Always support your baby’s wrists and ankles if you lift their arms or legs off the ground to massage them.