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Managing parent guilt

Written by MFFY | Aug 24, 2022 11:04:56 AM

As parents, we can feel guilt over pretty much anything at times. From screen time and the amount of time we spend with our children, to what they eat and how much stimulation they’re getting – there are countless things that can trigger the thought that our parenting isn’t good enough. We just want to remind you that there is no such thing as a perfect parent! 

Tackling negative thoughts 

When tackling these negative thoughts, it’s important to embrace the realism of parenting, rather than an idealised version of it. Before welcoming your child into the world, you may have had a lengthy list in your head of what you wanted to be like as a mum or dad. You might have ruled out plastic toys, television and junk food before becoming a parent, but softened on them later down the line.  

Looking at the bigger picture 

Taking a step back can also help these feelings. Instead of spending too much time worrying about giving your child nuggets, chips and beans two nights in a week instead of meals with fresh vegetables, look at the bigger picture. Not every day will be picture-perfect, but you can go to bed, wake up the next day and start over afresh. As long as you and your child are happy, then that’s ok.  

Rather than wallow in the not-so-good, celebrate those little wins – no matter how small they are  

Having other friends who are parents to chat to can make parenting feel less of a battle, too. Your other parent friends will have experienced similar feelings at some point, and sharing stories together about the highs and the lows will make things feel less lonely.