Making music with everyday items

As you probably already know, children often gravitate towards everyday items instead of the beautiful toys that you thoughtfully consider for them!
Using a variety of items and instruments to make music is a great way to get your child's arms and hands moving, waving, and gripping onto different sized, shaped and textured items, which in turn is fantastic for supporting fine and gross motor development.
You might be tempted to splash the cash on drum kits, maracas and more for your child, but instead you can easily conjure up some musical treats with the bits that you find languishing at the back of your kitchen cupboard. These creations do involve some small parts so always ensure that your child is supervised when playing with them.
For a main-stage worthy drum kit, you could simply turn a few of your pots and pans from the cupboard upside down and sit your baby with them. Wooden spoons and spatulas make fantastic drumsticks, or you could show them how to use their hands to bang and tap away.
Shakers can be easily made by popping items into disposable paper or plastic cups that you might have left over from your last birthday party. Try putting different things inside – dry rice, pasta and beads all work well. Secure the top with a piece of baking paper or cling film with an elastic band keeping it in place.
If you have some paper plates lying around, punch two holes into the middle and thread ribbon or string through to make handles. Glue old coins around the inside edges and listen out for the sounds as your child bangs them together.