Looking for a way to unwind? Sit down and doodle!
While your baby is busy learning all about themselves and the world around them, take some time to think about you. Doodling might not be the first thing you think of, but it can be a really great way to unwind...
When you arrive home with your new baby, you may not find time to stop and catch a breath. Preparing, doing, feeding, thinking (and occasionally sleeping!) becomes your new daily norm.
Finding a way to slow down and ease off is important, and that's where doodling comes in. It's something we do without even realising, and it's very therapeutic. Those patterns you make on the back of an envelope while having a chat on the phone, or the random face you draw on a sticky note could be the down time your body and brain need. So try to have a pencil and paper to hand somewhere you go to sit down or just to pause.
Switching off can help you feel more switched on
Doodling has become very well researched and is linked with positive effects on both concentration and memory. Research suggests that doodling can help switch off the brain, allowing you to relax and see things in new ways.[1]
The effects of doodling work in a similar way to fidgeting and can help with anxiety. It is said to help the mind and body connect and offer a sense of serenity.[2] Doodling offers a chance for your mind to regroup and draw upon memories and thoughts.[1] It can bring focus to challenges, big and small, which may help you feel refreshed and ready for the next step in your day.
The wonderful thing about doodling is that there is typically no plan for the drawing's purpose – there's a great sense of freedom to its spontaneity. The next time life is rushing by at one hundred miles an hour, why not pick up a pen and let your scribbles soothe you.?
[1] S. Pillay. (2016) The “thinking” benefits of doodling. Harvard Health Publishing. Published December 15, 2016. Accessed May 26, 2022. Available online at: The “thinking” benefits of doodling - Harvard Health.
[2] C. Edmonston. (2020). The Healing Power of Doodling: Mindfulness Therapy to Deal with Stress, Fear & Life Challenges. Bindu Publications.