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Look! Who’s that? Books with baby faces

Written by MFFY | Jun 23, 2022 8:04:32 AM

Your baby might be interested in looking at photographs of other babies. Here are some suggestions for books with clear photographs which we think your baby might enjoy, or alternatively you could print some pictures. 

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Baby Faces

This board book has lots of photos of babies for you to look at together. You could make simple comments about what the babies are doing to help your baby begin to link words and actions. Your baby might smile at the pictures or babble when they see them.


Baby Loves

Another easy-to-hold board book with clear images, and one you can share in different ways as their skills develop. At first, your baby might simply enjoy looking at the photographs of babies. As time goes on, they might start to choose their favourites from the pictures or notice what things the babies in the book like most.  


My first body

This is another book you can share in different ways as your baby grows. The photos are clear, and as their skills develop, you can chat with them about the names of parts of their body.