Thinking about shoes and when they might be worn

Now your baby is starting to stand, they may move around a little more. Could this be the right time to buy a pair of shoes? Not necessarily – there is no set time to buy shoes. Yet you may need to consider when a good time is to put shoes on your baby’s feet.
Barefoot walking
Experts suggest that the feet, like the hands, develop best when they are exposed to the elements and not covered or constrained. At this stage of development, walking barefoot is said to help strengthen the arch of the foot and the ankles. Even walking on uneven surfaces, such as grass, is beneficial to their feet since it puts more demand on the muscles and helps them strengthen.
Going barefoot for as long as possible could also be good for your wallet. Your baby’s feet are growing quickly now, and it is said that babies’ feet grow up to a size and half every two to three months.
When are shoes needed?
Your baby's feet shouldn’t need shoes indoors or on outdoor surfaces unless it's very cold. For most outings, your baby may need shoes for safety and sanitary reasons. Look for shoes with flexible soles and non-skid bottoms that are as near to no shoes as possible.
There may be times when you are going to a special occasion and you’d like your baby to wear a pair of shoes. It is recommended that you choose flat shoes which do not slip. Shoes with grooved flexible composition soles are best when your baby is taking their first steps.
A confident walker
When your baby starts to walk more confidently, they will need a more robust shoe. Specialist shoe shops are useful when choosing walking shoes as they usually have trained staff who can help you find the right ones for your child.