Fresh air! Good for you and supports your baby’s development

Spending time in the great outdoors is great for new parents and babies. Even small amounts of time spent outside will work wonders for you, and your baby’s health, mood and spirit.
Why a daily dose of nature is so good
We're not suggesting a hike or a full day out that requires preparation (unless that's what you feel you need). If you live in the middle of a city, the idea of spending time in nature every day might seem totally out of reach.
But, think about your dose of nature as a place where you and your baby can feel the elements, find living things, see the sky and feel the earth. If you don't have a park nearby, a walk along the quieter roads of your neighbourhood, or perhaps by a river, will boost your energy levels and overall sense of wellbeing.
New sensations for your baby
It also gives your baby exposure to things which will support their development: new sights, sounds, smells and textures.
They might notice the change in light when you walk under a tree, or feel the breeze against their cheek. These all help to develop their senses and their understanding of the world around them.
Time to move
Often, being outside motivates your baby to move – this might be simply turning their head to look at something as you pass, or stretching to reach the edge of their blanket during tummy time outside.
Listening and chatting
Being outside might give you some new things to chat with your baby about, and they can listen and think about the sounds they hear.
You might notice they turn towards a sound, and you can tell them more about what they have heard.
Feeling good
Being outside is a good way to reduce stress and anxiety for both you and your baby.