How to support your baby when they are trying to stand up

Your baby is experiencing a life full of challenges and achievements. They are now showing signs of wanting to stand and this is a huge skill for them to master. There’s no need to rush it. Your baby is using their whole body when trying to stand; this is a massive physical, mental and emotional challenge for them. Here are five top tips to support the action of pulling to standing:
1) Think about their environment
What are they trying to pull themselves up with? Babies will try and use anything to support this developing movement, for example, a chair, your leg, a stool or a playbox! Check the furniture is sturdy enough to take their weight. If not, it may affect their confidence to try again.
Have they got lots of opportunities to pull up on the furniture? A baby who has a mesh playpen may be unable to use the walls as support when trying to pull themselves up.
Make sure they have a safe space where they can practise pulling themselves up. Set up soft landings for your baby so when they tumble (and they will tumble!) their landing is soft.
2) What have they got on their feet?
The best footwear is no footwear. Your baby will be able to feel the movements in their feet much better, helping them to make connections between success and failure. Having bare feet naturally encourages their standing balance.
3) Guide your baby through the movements when they first begin
You can help your baby stand up and sit down by pushing up their bottom or supporting their hips. With gentle guidance, your baby will be better able to understand the movement and carry it out on their own.
When you encourage your baby to practise pulling up and sitting down, you are also helping them learn how to squat, which strengthens their hips and thighs.
4) Play some music – most babies love a boogie
Playing a rhythmical beat could help give that enthusiastic boost that elevates your baby to a standing position. The extra bounces to the beat will give extra strength to their legs, hips and core.
5) Use yourself as a piece of furniture
All of the necessary muscles, as well as confidence, will be developed by routinely guiding your baby to stand up on your lap from a seated position.