Hands, mouth and brain – why your baby explores their hands with their mouth

One of the first areas of your baby’s brain to develop is the area associated with movement and sensation around their mouth. Your baby’s mouth is, and will remain, one of the areas of their body that is most sensitive to touch.
Why your baby puts their hands to their mouth
You might have seen your baby’s hands close to their mouth on scans during pregnancy, or even seen them sucking their thumb.
Your baby is beginning to develop the physical skills they need to move their hands more purposefully and will put their hands in their mouth more deliberately now.
Learning self awareness
When your baby puts their hands in their mouth or touches their face, their brain connects information from movement and touch. They link what they feel with their hands, mouth and face to develop their awareness of their body.
So, when you see your baby moving their hands, touching their face or sucking their fingers, they are developing their awareness of themselves, as well as making and strengthening connections in their brain!