Five things to do with a teddy bear

Teddy bears are one of the classic children’s toys that will never go out of style. Many children have a favourite bear that is by their side from the early days. As well as providing comfort, teddy bears can be lots of fun to play with!
Teddy bear’s picnic
A teddy bear’s picnic is a fun way to start role-playing games with your toddler. It can also be a helpful way to introduce your toddler to new foods that they haven’t tried before or may be wary about.
Learning about routines
Routine is great for toddlers, and it is a time when routines often change! You could use their favourite teddy to help them understand and get used to new routines. If your toddler is staying overnight, or even just visiting somewhere for the first time, help them pack teddy a bag to come along too.
Singing, dancing and actions
Action songs and dancing are great for both fine and gross motor development. Try and have a dance party with teddy!
Talk about body parts
Teddy can also help your child learn about parts of the body. Ask them about teddy’s eyes, nose, ears and more.
Dressing up and caring for teddy
Changing clothes and popping a hat and boots on a teddy (as well as taking them off) is great for fine motor development and will also help your child become more confident when they are ready to try dressing themselves.