Exploring the minds of others

Children are on a continual journey of discovery and exploration. Your child is still discovering who they are and what they think, but they are beginning to understand that other people have ideas and do different things. You might spot this when your child pretends to be someone else when they play.
They may say a phrase you’re not familiar with or you’ll hear them pretending to be Grandma; this is them exploring other people’s thoughts and ideas.
Children often copy what they see and hear; they might find the simplest thing funny and decide to repeat it at home. It might be someone has talked in an amusing way or made an unusual sound – chances are you'll see a re-enactment of the thing that made them giggle.
Exploring the personalities, ideas, and feelings of others supports your child in expanding their imagination.
It's a fascinating time when children gain an understanding that people have other thoughts and expressions.
Although they don’t yet fully understand how to think like someone else, and they won’t yet predict how someone might be feeling, they are able to copy words and phrases they hear that interest them.
Hearing them talk like someone else sounds really cute (it’s always worthwhile trying to hang around and listen to them when they think you are not listening!).
The diversity of people is what makes imaginative play so fascinating.
Your child is most likely to play the role of you or another familiar adult.
They learn brilliantly through copying what they see and can easily transform themselves into someone new. The aid of props can really give their imagination a boost – many of us will remember putting on a pair of big shoes and feeling really grown up!
Dressing up gives them a chance to try and think and feel like something else might.
The use of a simple piece of fabric or a handbag can really make their imagination come alive. It really is quite amazing that your child doesn't need much to pretend to be someone else.
Different thoughts and ideas help them make sense of their world.
There is still some way to go on this journey, but allowing them to enter an imaginary world where they are in control and become someone or something different can help shape their growing thoughts and ideas.
Children aren’t always able to explain how they feel, but their imagination can help them express themselves in a safe way.
Sometimes your child's pretend play can give insights into what they are feeling or thinking about. So, spending a little time watching and listening as they play can be a brilliant way to see how they are starting to understand the world around them.
We love pretend play because there is no limit to imagination and children start to discover that their minds are full of possibility.