Treasure baskets – opening up your baby's sensory exploration!

You might have heard people talking about 'treasure baskets' or seen adverts for them and wondered what exactly people were talking about. Here, we explain what this tantalizing term involves, why you might want one for your baby, as well as how can you make one at home.
What is a treasure basket?
A treasure basket is a collection of (non-plastic) items that provides babies who are able to sit, but not move independently, with the opportunity to select and explore different objects using all their senses.
The idea was first developed by Elinor Goldschmied for children in group settings who didn’t have access to items you’d usually find at home, like wooden spoons, brushes, tea towels, and so on. Goldschmied felt that babies experience enough plastic and need natural materials which offer a wider range of textures, weights and smells to capture their interest.[1]
Why might you make a treasure basket for your baby?
With a treasure basket, your baby has easy access to objects made from natural materials and can make independent choices about what to explore and how. They can look at, touch, move, smell, taste and listen to objects and connect the information from their senses to develop their understanding of different things.
Including different textures is a fantastic way to get some sensory exploration into your baby's play.
How to make one at home
According to Goldschmid, the ideal basket for your collection of objects would have a diameter of at least 35cm, be around 10-12cm deep, and be strong enough for your baby to lean on without it tipping over.
A treasure basket should be filled with interesting objects that are the right size for your baby to hold and manipulate, so not too big and, according to Elinor Goldschmied, definitely not made from plastic!
When deciding what to include, remember that all these objects need to be safe for your baby to put into their mouth, as this is an important aspect of their exploration.
Delve into your kitchen cupboards
When gathering objects, think about your baby's interests. Do they like looking at their reflection? If so, objects with a reflective surface can be great for exploring this, such as chrome pots and pans, and even spatulas to bash the pots with to make new sounds.
Think about different fabrics you can find at home: tea towels, scarves, cloths and even old items of clothing or household sponges which are great for squeezing – again, building up those hand muscles to support fine motor skills.
What should you do while your baby plays with the basket?
When a baby is exploring a treasure basket, the adult’s role is to be close by and offer reassurance but not to talk or make suggestions.
The idea is that your baby is not only having the chance to explore objects but also to make choices and concentrate. This is one time when you might not chat to your baby about what they are doing as you give them time to explore without interruption.
It also gives you a chance to notice just how much your baby can concentrate as they choose and explore objects.
If you don't have a basket...
Even if you decide not to set up a treasure basket, you could think about the ideas that underpin them. You could try:
- Offering your baby a variety of objects to play with, including objects made from natural materials.
- Giving your baby lots of time to hold, move and explore objects.
- Sometimes being close by but quiet. Giving them time to really concentrate and become involved in what they are doing can support their learning too!
- Watch your baby and notice how involved they become when exploring something new.
[1] Elinor Goldschmied, Sonia Jackson (2004). People under three: Young children in day care, 2nd edition