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Do you need some support? You can contact PANDAS foundation for mental health support

Written by My First Five Years | Mar 15, 2022 12:47:13 PM

Becoming a parent can be a joyful experience, but it can also be a time when you feel more tearful, anxious or down. It is not unusual to have these feelings, and this may be a time when you need help and support with your mental health. We all do at some point. 

One in 10 mums develop postnatal depression within a year of giving birth, and dads can also suffer from postnatal depression. Postnatal depression is not the only mental health difficulty new parents sometimes develop. Reports suggest around one in five mums develop mental health issues while pregnant or in the first year after birth.  

If you feel that you need some support with how you are feeling, this might be available through professionals who are working with your family. Or you can contact PANDAS who have trained volunteers ready to listen and provide support.  

PANDAS have provided us with some information to share with you.  

A reminder that PANDAS are there for you. If you are struggling or finding it hard to cope, please do use their services. That is what they are there for and their wonderful, trained volunteers are waiting to take your call. 

PANDAS exists for all parents (mums and dads) and carers. If you are worried about anyone in that position, you can also contact them. You are NOT alone. 

The phone line is open between 11am and 10pm. Please don’t hesitate to call:

☎️ 0808 1961 776 ☎️ 

If you'd prefer, you can contact them via their text or email service. 
To access free and anonymous text support, text the word ‘PANDAS’ to 85258 (this service is run in partnership with @giveusashoutinsta). This will not appear on phone bills and you don’t need to register, download an app or use mobile data. 

For their email service, write to:  Feel free to write all your thoughts and feelings and they will get back to you within 72 hours, often sooner. 

Details of their in-person and online support groups are on their website, along with details of all their services - Home page - PANDAS Foundation UK