Your baby's teasing is their sense of humour shining through

The development of humour shows us little hints about your baby’s social and cognitive skills. From laughing when they notice something unexpected, to offering a toy and then taking it away, to giggling when anyone says the word “poo” or “knickers”, your baby’s sense of humour changes during their first five years.
Your baby is now starting to realise they can do something you don’t expect and that you might find it funny.
Your baby might offer a toy, or some food and then as you reach for it move it away – and follow this with a smile or laugh.
Teasing, even in a simple way, involves your baby being able to think about what the other person might do.
This ability to think about the reaction of others shows that their cognitive and social skills are developing.
They know that you will reach out, open your hand, and then be surprised when they playfully pull the object away.
Take a moment to enjoy the feeling of being able to see their cognitive and social development in action, and embrace the moment with a big giggle for them.
Apart from everything else, laughing together is great for building relationships!