Cupboards and drawers – now could be time for a safety check

Is your baby fascinated with cupboards or drawers? They might be interested in what’s inside or intrigued by being able to open and close the door or drawer. If you haven’t already, it might be a good time to check exactly what your baby can now reach.
- Think about if you need to use child locks on any cupboards or drawers.
- If your child can open a drawer or cupboard, check that the contents are safe for them to explore and remember to watch their fingers with hinges.
- Make sure that any shelves or cupboards that they can reach will not tip if they try to pull themselves up on them.
- Think about small objects which could be a choking risk and be aware of the risk of button batteries, which must be kept out of your baby’s reach. You can read more about button batteries and where you might find them in your home, here.