Turn your self-criticism into compassion

When parenting, things can quickly become overwhelming. The stress that comes with raising young children, combined with wider aspects of everyday life can, at times, throw you into a negative headspace. Pausing and recognising when you’re being overly critical of yourself can help. If it’s been a hard day, we urge you to remember:
You’re a real parent, not a bad one
When you’re feeling like this, it’s natural to get bogged down with critical thoughts. You might label yourself as a ‘bad parent’, when in fact, like every other parent you are sleep deprived, busy and learning on the job!
Take a step back
During those times when you’re feeling self-critical, take a step back and give yourself a break from the noise. Falling into a cycle of critical thoughts only makes you feel worse, so try to tackle this as soon as you spot it.
When you catch yourself doing it, stop.
What would you say to a friend?
Remember that these thoughts are not facts – they are your opinion. Think about what you would say to a friend or a loved one in your situation, and try to turn this criticism into compassion for yourself. Acknowledge what you’re doing well, how hard you are working on parenting and reassure yourself: if today was tough, tomorrow will feel better.