Clothes for babies who are on the move

When your baby starts to explore the movements they can make with their bodies, they need lots of room. But this doesn’t just mean the physical space around them. It’s also important that they can move all their limbs freely, so try putting them in clothes that allow for this.
Why does different clothing help?
If you put on a snug pair of jeans or a T-shirt where the arms are too tight, you’ll find it quite difficult to move with ease; this is the same for your baby. Looser fitting clothes, or items that stretch easily when they move will allow them to enjoy a wider range of motions, which is important as they learn about what their body can do.
What items are best?
- Any items of clothes that are loosely fitting.
- Leggings or trousers where the feet are uncovered.
- Fewer layers are best.
- Where possible, let them explore their surroundings in just their nappy.
- When indoors, remove any shoes or socks so their feet can practise moving flexibly.