Carrying the load – now your toddler might want to get involved

Your toddler is becoming steadier on their feet, and with this skill comes the ability to walk while doing something else. As adults we do this all the time: walking while talking, carrying shopping and looking out for traffic is second nature, but our toddlers are learning to manage by adding new elements, little by little. This is a perfect opportunity to ask them for help carrying the load as part of your day-to-day jobs.
At the moment, your toddler is learning to walk while carrying an object without losing their balance.
Initially they will have been able to do this only with small objects that don’t require too much thinking about, or that they could hold in one hand so their arms were free to help with balance.
Now they are a little steadier, your toddler will be able to carry larger objects which might require both hands to hold, or a little more balancing as they move.
When your child picks up a larger item, take a moment just to watch them and marvel at how they are learning to move in this new way. Notice how they use several senses such as sight, feel and movement together, and how they find the best position to hold and move at the same time.
It might take some trial and error, or it might seem to be a simple action, but know that each time they lift or move in a new way your toddler is developing strength, balance and coordination.
Ask your toddler to carry or move items when you need some help.
By leaning in to your toddler’s interest in being part of what they see adults doing, you can give them lots of opportunities to practise this skill.
Toddlers love to copy what they see as important, and they love to be helpful as well – even if their version of help isn’t always the most efficient method!
At home, you could ask your toddler to help move a few items of washing from room to room in a small basket or help with putting pans back into a cupboard.
Your toddler might already be embracing their ability to hold onto beloved items while they walk, and be taking it on themselves to carry their bear, backpack or water bottle from place to place. If not, start by asking them to carry one of their things for a very short time while you are on the go.
They might not always want to help by moving things with you, and that’s ok, but each time they do, your toddler is becoming more confident with carrying and walking at the same time.