Bye-bye! Why a wave goodbye is a moment to celebrate in your baby’s developmental journey

It might be copying a wave at the end of a video call, or waving goodbye as you leave them at nursery; whenever it happens, waving goodbye is a big step for your child!
At first, they will simply copy the gestures that you make, as they have done with other skills that they have mastered. But gradually they will realise the power of a wave or of blowing a kiss!
Your baby is using their ability to be adorable to build relationships and make connections.
It is likely that these gestures result in enthusiastic responses from those around them – Grandma might give an extra big wave and smile at the end of the video call, or you might turn an extra time to return their wave.
Your baby will realise that these gestures are important to the people around them, and that gestures used at just the right time can initiate interaction and build relationships.
It might seem like it is just a wave, but copying these gestures shows your baby’s growing awareness of the active role that they can take in the social world around them.