Book recommendation: The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read and Your Children Will Be Glad That You Did by Philippa Perry.

Whether you’re interested in how to support your child’s feelings and emotions, curious about how your upbringing shaped who you are today, or want to support others with their parenting journey, this book is must-read.
Essentially, it’s about developing trusting and meaningful relationships with your children by supporting them through their feelings, behaviours and emotions.
Written by renowned psychotherapist, Philippa Perry, the book begins by inviting you to reflect on your own upbringing and how this will impact your own parenting style. It encourages you to accept that you will make mistakes, but that there is learning to be had from them.
It offers supportive ideas for how to handle your child’s feelings by also handling your own, and how to communicate effectively with your children.
This reflective read will help you to understand yourself better – and your children. It doesn’t make you feel bad, it just gently lifts you in the direction you want your parenting to be, while also reassuring you that you’re doing the very best you can, with the tools you have. A great read!
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