Top tips for the early days of parenthood

We asked our My First Five Years community what key advice they would give for the early days of parenthood, and this is what they told us...
Enjoy the baby – it might seem obvious, but sometimes you have so much to think about, you don’t have time to pause and enjoy your newborn. And on certain days, 'enjoy' might not be the word you would use to describe your feelings about these early days of parenthood – that’s ok, too – becoming a parent is a big change in your life and comes with a mixture of emotions.
Do something for yourself each day – think about the things that help you feel relaxed and make time for these in your day.
Leave the housework – or at least just do the things that are important to you; don’t expect to do everything you did before your baby was born.
Ask for help – it can be hard to do, but asking for or accepting help will make a big difference. It could be something big, or simply asking for a cup of tea and a moment to yourself. Reach out to the people around you and tell them what you need right now.