You're doing a brilliant job... and need to eat well, just like your baby!

As your baby gets older, you might feel you're in slightly less of a cycle of feeds, nappies and sleep, but the amount of time spent on these important needs can still feel overwhelming. You're doing a brilliant job, and looking after yourself and eating well is just as important as caring for those around you.
Filling your own cup before you can fill others
This time you are spending nourishing your baby can feel hard, but don’t forget that to nourish others you need to nourish yourself, too.
Try to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water (especially if you’re the one breastfeeding or expressing milk), and eating well. Keep a stock of healthy snacks on hand for easy reaching during feeds, and some treats for variety, too!
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
If you simply can’t face the kitchen again, don’t be afraid to ask friends and family to help prepare meals or stock your snack cupboard when they visit.
The people coming to see you want to support you, and although they might have imagined that would be all about cuddles with the baby, it's important to ask for what you really need. This might sometimes be time to shower while they have a cuddle, but it can also be food!
Share your best snacking hacks, or find new recipes
If you have a favourite recipe for busy days, or some top snacks for middle of the night nibbles, we’d love you to share them in our community Facebook page for other parents to try.